trades union

美 [treɪdz ˈjuːniən]英 [treɪdz ˈjuːniən]
  • n.工会

复数: trades unions

trades uniontrades union

trades union


  • 1
    → see:trade union


an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer
you have to join the union in order to get a job
Synonym: union labor union trade union brotherhood


  1. Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation .


  2. The economy will come under the spotlight today at the conference of the Trades Union Congress .


  3. There are 73 unions affiliated to the Trades Union Congress .


  4. The official trades union council voted to disband itself and re-form as a confederation


  5. The Trades Union movement was born in the early years of the century .


  6. Owen Tudor is international secretary for the Trades Union Congress in Britain .


  7. This anomaly has been attacked by a recent trades union campaign against buy-out firms .


  8. The report , from the Trades Union Congress , says unpaid overtime peaks for single women between 30 and 39 .


  9. To his great credit , he has just said this to the Trades Union Congress , the most unfriendly audience he could find .


  10. Nigeria 's main trades union , the Nigeria Labor Congress has endorsed the strike call and urged the government to intervene without delay .


  11. The partners are the seafarer unions and the National Trades Union Congress , as well as the maritime industry and the Singapore National Employers Federation .


  12. This week 's Trades Union Congress ( TUC ), an annual gathering of organized labor , was a cacophony of truculence .


  13. Female migrant workers were more likely than any other group to be paid less than the national minimum wage in the UK , according to a study published by the Trades Union Congress .


  14. Her supporters hail her for rolling back the frontiers of an overburdening state , reducing the influence of powerful trades union leaders and restoring Britain 's standing in the world .


  15. Using figures from the Office for National Statistics " surveys and data , the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) estimated that a further 1.8 million people would like to work from home if they could .


  16. Nicola Smith , head of economics at the UK 's Trades Union Congress , says the move away from the 40-hour week is part of a long-term shift driven by seven-day-a-week opening for shops , the decline of unions and increasing numbers of women in the workplace .


  17. Lapaz is a member of the Hotel Trades Council , a union that represents hotel workers .
